Know Yourself, Know Your Numbers!

For my thirtieth birthday I gave my now-husband a ‘ suggested gifts’ list. Trust me, even by this stage, and it was still early days in our relationship, I had already figured out this was my best shot at getting what I wanted! On that list, I asked for a Numerology book. At the time I actually didn’t know much about Numerology, but as I discovered through the book, there is a whole lot of fascinating information Numerology can tell you about yourself and your relationships.

As a seven life path I love, love, love to analyse and explore, well just about anything. What I didn’t expect, was to come to understand why, when I wanted to sit and delve deeply into every tiny matter of difference or indifference, Kevin would scuttle out of there faster than the speed of light. It turns out, he’s a three, a happy-go-lucky being that was born to bring lightness to my more weighty self. (PS. Just to be clear here, although yes, I am busy losing those few extra kilo’s, I am not talking about physical weight here…)

I take things terribly seriously and spend hours looking at every tiny aspect from every possible angle. Kevin would really rather go watch rugby. As anyone who is in a relationship will know, these kinds of differences can be devastating. When I wrote my birthday list all those years ago, I never anticipated that it was the start of coming to understand why I was like I was and why Kevin did what he did.

Within myself, my inner make-up has some quite strongly opposing forces. Gaining insight into these contradictions has helped bring balance to a tricky area of my life, one that has caused a lot of confusion and heartache for me. In coaching, I use Numerology to help clients not just change their relationships, but come to know themselves in a broader and deeper context. Knowledge is one thing, but understanding is an extraordinary gift. It opens your mind to new possibilities and brings strength and courage to change what is causing difficulties either within ourselves or amongst our relationships.

If you are interested in having your Personal Numerology Profile done, I offer it as a professional service. More information, as well as prices and profile options are available here.