Forever Friends

As the date for another blog post drew near, I started to think I was suffering from writer’s block.  Oh my word, the pressure was building and I had absolutely nothing to say. Then the universe gave me two timely nudges. The first  was when a friend and I met for coffee and chatted about how hard friendships are to maintain these days.

The second was a Freudian slip of note. I was replying to an email from a friend when I accidentally copied the words ‘How are you keeping?’, and inadvertently posted them onto my Facebook page. It was crazy! I actually didn’t know I had done it until some lovely friends replied and I figured out what had happened! And that’s how, to my relief, this blog post was born. Yay Universe!

I say Freudian slip because I posted what I’d been wishing to hear.  There have been moments when I’ve wished  someone would just pick up the phone and ask me how I’m doing. Recently a friend was bed ridden for a while due to an injury and although I thought of her often, I never called because I didn’t really know what to say.  Life is so busy that taking time out to chat with a friend can seem like a luxury not a necessity, but friendships, like anything of value, need care and attention.

When I began writing today, I honestly didn’t know what I was going to talk about, but I showed up and started off by acknowledging that I didn’t know what to say.  Sometimes an sms to say, I’m thinking of you, can mean the world to someone feeling alone and out of their depth.

Friendship is one of the joys of life, if yours are slipping away through lack of care, then pick up the phone right now and say something…